On May 20, Wise Twin Cities hosted a virtual panel to discuss the ways we have seen growth and change in the midst of a global pandemic. WISE Founder and VP of Memberships, Anne Doepner moderated the panel featuring Andrea Ponto (Sportsdigita), Lara Juras (Minnesota Vikings) and Kacy Kobakof (Minnesota United).
The panelists shared the silver linings of their new working routines, the blurred lines we face between professional and personal worlds and the impact COVID-19 is having on office culture and relationships.
Some takeaways from our panel:
- Quarantine is not a competition - do what's best for you and take care of yourself.
- Give yourself grace, but give others grace as well. Everyone is adapting to their own set of circumstances.
- Transparency and communication is more important than ever when many of us are working remotely and balancing work and family obligations.