WISE Twin Cities Mastering Your Influence with Cathy Winter
Date: Wednesday, October 4th, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: The Depot | Zephyr Space
Address: 225 3rd Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Prior to the event, attendees completed a DiSC assessment to better understand their leadership style; both natural and adjusted to their current work environment. During the training, Cathy Winter provided tips about how to use leadership styles to be a good leader in an organization; as well as how to adjust to the leadership styles of those in their organization. Understanding your leadership styles helps bring out the best performance in themselves and their teams.
- 8:00 am - Check-In and Networking
- 8:30 am - Leadership Training Begins
- 10:00 am - Training Ends and Networking Begins
- 10:30 am - Event Ends
About Cathy Winter, Premier Sport Psychology President & Executive Leadership Consultant
Cathy Winter is an experienced leadership expert that is passionate about helping individuals understand and fine tune their unique style in order to bring out the best performance in themselves and their teams.
Cathy has coached and developed leaders at all levels, from C- suite executives to front line leaders in Fortune 100, Fortune 500, and sport organizations. Having been both a business leader and leadership consultant, she combines practical business experience with expertise in coaching, facilitation, and assessment to drive individual and team success.
Cathy’s client work at Premier involves both leadership consultation and coaching in business and sport, including leadership programming in the Big 10 and franchises in the MLB and NBA. She brings to her clients the insights and learning from over 25 years of experience spanning a large number of industries and has become widely recognized for her expertise in helping leaders activate their unique talents.
As President of Premier Sport Psychology, she oversees all day-to-day operations, from clinical training and human resource development, to marketing, R&D, and general business operations. Cathy received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Minnesota and Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of St. Thomas.
About WISE Twin Cities
Founded in 2017, WISE Twin Cities carries out the WISE mission by facilitating meaningful connections among local industry professionals and offering programming, events and valuable networking opportunities in the area throughout the year. Our signature programs include WISE Power Play, Women of Inspiration, and Speed Mentoring Roundtables. We partner closely with WISE National to deliver industry wide thought leadership and sports and events industry connections beyond our Minnesota and region borders.