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WISE Twin Cities Announces New Vice President!


Please welcome Cecilia Lettner as WISE Twin Cities Board Vice President!

A few words from Cecilia: 

What drives your interest in being a part of the WISE Twin Cities Board?

The merging of being a high school athlete, my lifelong love for sports and my current career in the sports industry is a wild alignment of my passions. Joining the Wise Twin Cities board feeds into these by allowing me to continue working to promote representation, equality, and empowerment in the sports industry. WISE TC provides an opportunity to create impactful change through building a network across our community of women in sports, at all levels, who can uplift and support each other professionally and personally. Being a part of the board allows me to contribute my voice to these efforts.

What are you most looking forward to?

I am excited about being able to meet and learn from so many amazing women who are members of WISE! Our ability to leverage our collective expertise, networks, and resources to create engaging events and valuable resources for one another is a tremendous asset for our area.

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